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Maps & Territories. How to change the way we look at the World.
Maxime Blondeau

Maxime Blondeau

Cosmographer, author

Why should we change our views on the world? Human relationship with life and resources is dysfunctional. It has become vital to improve territorial awareness. Is it possible to change our views on the world? Yes, such events happened several times as a result of technological and cultural revolutions through human history. How can we change our views on the world? Through cosmography. A profound reinvention of our views on space and time. A new map of the world. Maxime Blondeau questions human perception through cartography, imagination and data. He teaches at Sciences Po Paris, exploring the relationship between technology and territory. His daily posts on Linkedin and "Geoconscience" exceeded 100 million views since 2023.

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A Talk made made possible thanks to the support of:

For over 160 years, we have been providing essential services to improve quality of life in the face of growing environmental challenges. United by our passion for our professions, our inclusive values and our sense of community, we innovate to preserve water and recover waste in the form of energy and recycled materials. We promote and deploy more sober practices, more efficient technologies and circular solutions, to reuse and make the best use of the Earth's limited resources.

EDF makes energy innovation a major lever of its strategy, serving its customers, its internal transformation and the transition to a low-carbon society. We invest in research and development in 3 areas: the electricity transition, the climate transition, and the digital and societal transition. Because we are smarter when we work together, EDF places great emphasis on open innovation. We are convinced that the energy transition must be co-constructed.

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