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Refreshing the city without watering
Baptiste Laurent

Baptiste Laurent

Expert in resilient urban greening

The world is warming up, the temperature is rising quickly... Even more quickly in cities, with a phenomenon called heat island. How to refresh? There is a solution: nature. Nature is the simplest and most powerful urban air conditioner. But nature is struggling to gain ground in the city... Why? What are the restraints? How can we accelerate its development? What solutions can help? Baptiste Laurent is passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation serving the common good. Concerned about the adaptation to climate change in cities and aware of the urgency that confronts us to act; Baptiste is keen to restore the value of rainwater in the city. He created the startup Vertuo which manufactures the first water sufficient greening solution for the city.

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A Talk made made possible thanks to the support of:

For over 160 years, we have been providing essential services to improve quality of life in the face of growing environmental challenges. United by our passion for our professions, our inclusive values and our sense of community, we innovate to preserve water and recover waste in the form of energy and recycled materials. We promote and deploy more sober practices, more efficient technologies and circular solutions, to reuse and make the best use of the Earth's limited resources.

The Allianz Group is a leading global provider of integrated financial services that drives innovation in the insurance industry through advanced technologies and strategic initiatives. We use AI, machine learning and big data analytics to improve risk assessment, customer service and operational efficiency. The Allianz gas pedal supports innovative and promising start-ups in their growth phase by offering them an intensive 6-month acceleration program.

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La Croisette
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